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Considering Getting A Professional Carpet Cleaning? Here's All You Need To Know

Considering Getting A Professional Carpet Cleaning? Here's All You Need To Know

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about getting your carpets professionally cleaned until they start looking a little too dirty. Unfortunately, by then, it might be too late. Spills and stains can set in, and the dirt and dust mites that call your carpets home can quickly make your family sick.

But did you know there are many benefits to cleaning your carpets, even if they don't look dirty? Here's everything you need to know about professional carpet cleaning, from when to do it and how often to what to expect during and after the cleaning.

When To Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned

Ideally, it would be best to have your carpets cleaned every six to 12 months. This will help them stay looking their best and extend their life. But there are other times when you might need a professional carpet cleaning, even if it's not on your regular schedule.

For example, if you have pets, you'll likely need to have your carpets cleaned more often. Pets can track in dirt and mud, and they shed fur and dander that can quickly make your carpets look and feel dirty. If you have allergies or asthma, you might also want to consider having your carpets cleaned more often to help reduce your symptoms.

You should also have your carpets cleaned if you plan to sell your home. A professional carpet cleaning will make your home look more attractive to potential buyers and could help you sell your home more quickly.

If you have small children or someone in your family who is sick, you should also consider having your carpets cleaned more often. Small children tend to put everything in their mouths, and Sick family members can quickly spread germs and bacteria throughout your home.

When it comes to professional carpet cleaning, there's no such thing as being too safe.

What Happens During A Professional Carpet Cleaning?

When you book a professional carpet cleaning, the technician will likely start by vacuuming your carpets with a high-powered vacuum. This will help remove any surface dirt and debris.

Next, the technician will treat any areas of your carpet with stains or other spots. They'll likely use a pre-treatment solution to help break down the stains so technicians can more easily remove them during the cleaning process.

After treating any spots or stains, the technician will use an extraction machine to clean your carpets. This part of the cleaning method depends on which type of carpet cleaner you hire, but the basic idea is to suction what was put into the carpet back out, along with all the dirt, dust, and other debris.

What To Expect After A Professional Carpet Cleaning

After your carpets have been cleaned, they'll likely look and feel softer and brighter. The colors will be more vibrant, and any spots or stains should be gone. Depending on the type of carpet you have, and if requested, the technician might also apply a protectant to help resist future staining.

You should be able to walk on your carpets within a few hours of cleaning them, but you'll want to avoid wearing shoes until they're completely dry. This could take up to 12 hours, depending on the type of carpet and the weather conditions.

To prevent staining, you should also avoid putting any furniture back on your carpets until they're dry.

Why Zerorez® Greenville Is The Best Choice For Professional Carpet Cleaning

When it comes to professional carpet cleaning, Zerorez® Greenville is the best choice. Why? With Zerorez®, you will get:

  • Carpets that are soft and fluffy, not crunchy and filled with residue
  • No sticky residue™, so that spots are gone and don't come back
  • Non-toxic, water-based, and free of harmful chemicals
  • Absolutely safe for children and pets
  • No concerns about chemicals left behind to affect you and your family
  • No Residue® means carpets and area rugs stay clean much, much longer
  • Safe for any hard surface, carpet, rug, or upholstery
  • Inhibits migration of harmful substances
  • We leave behind Nothing But Clean™
  • You will receive the best carpet cleaning Greenville has to offer

If you're considering hiring a professional carpet cleaning company in Greenville, look no further than Zerorez®. Schedule a free estimate today!